ダンテ カーヴァーDanté Carver
アメリカ / タレント モデルDATA | |
身長 | 185cm |
サイズ | B110/W85/H104/F31cm |
生年月日 | 1月17日(やぎ座) |
出身地 | ニューヨーク(アメリカ) |
瞳の色 | BLACK |
髪の色 | BLACK |
趣味 | 映画観賞、車、アメコミ、ゲーム、スポーツ全般 |
特技 | 陸上、カンフー、演技 |
言語 | 英語、日本語 |
2007年より放送中のソフトバンク社のCM「白戸家シリーズ」の白戸小次郎役で 一躍注目を集める。CMを中心に活躍後、声優やドラマ、「感染列島」等の映画など、 活動の場を広げている。また、その抜群のスタイルや運動神経を活かし、 「体育会TV」「スポーツマンNo,1決定戦」などのスポーツ番組や、モデルとして ファッションショーにも出演している。 現在では「ダウンタウンDX」「VS嵐」「水曜日のダウンタウン」「ネプリーグ」など のバラエティー番組にも出演し、その個性的なキャラを存分に発揮している。 さらにデザインセンスも抜群によく、あらゆるコラボレーションデザインで活躍中。持ち前の器用さから、マルチな才能を持ち合わせる逸材である。
DC started his acting career in Japan when he moved there in 2005.
It was then that he was discovered and put in the highly visible role of “Yosou Guy” for the launch of SoftBank’s mobile division. It was the first of its kind and Carver’s role promoted the dual meaning of his name Yosogai meaning “to do something unexpected in a smart way” (him being a non-Japanese actor promoting a high-profile Japanese company) and the company itself expanding into mobile territory which was quite unexpected.
Since then, he has become a household name all throughout Japan. Carver’s role with Softbank slowly transitioned to another character (“Older Brother”) and he is one of the few, rare actors who have had a long-term successful contract and career with a Japanese company. This marks his 14th year and running.
In a national competition throughout Japan, Carver was voted the most popular male actor in commercials TWICE. (2008 and 2009).
This opened doors for various film and tv shows. His first film that he was involved in, “Happily Ever After” directed by Yukihiko Tsutsumi received one nomination at the Japanese Academy Awards followed by “Feel the Wind” directed by Sumio Ohmori which won two awards at the Yokohama Film Festival. He gained popularity with children as he secured a recurring role in “Super Kids Zone: Be Ponkicki” (similar to “Sesame Street”). He expanded his experience into modeling, video games, marketing, promotions, and voice-overs as well as landing various sponsorships. He has been gaining momentum in Hollywood as well, working on the popular videogame series “Resident Evil: Vendetta” which was debuted at San Diego Comic-Con 2017. (see imdb for expanded resume) Carver Also, produced and starred in the film “Pancakes” which was featured at the Hollywood Film Festival. It’s theatrical release was December 2019 throughout Japan titled “Good People”. He’s currently cast in the feature “Confidence Man JP” that just started production.
When asked what prompted him to take up acting, Carver replied, “I was four years old when I saw Denzel Washington and Lawrence Fishburne on TV. They inspired me to look into being an actor. Also, I like the feeling that
I get from watching other actors do their craft and want to do the same; hopefully, inspire my mother and those around me.”
Carver is also an accomplished athlete. You can find his workout and training videos on his Instagram @dantecarverofficial. Native English speaker, conversational Japanese, designer, musician, producer, – truly a modern-day Renaissance man.
経歴 |
【モデル】 2018年5月14日 TOKYO MORE COLLECTION
【PR動画】 【PV】 【音楽】